This Is What You Need to Be Happy… And Then Successful

“Do not seek for things to happen the way you want them to; rather, wish that what happens happens the way it happens: then you will be happy.”

On the surface, the words seem a cliche… something sappy or new age-ish… some might even see the goal as unattainable…

But for the man who uttered them, not only was that perspective attainable…

It was his way of life. 

Instead of fancy (or fancied) words, it was a deliberate, disciplined mindset he applied without mercy every day.

“He” is the philosopher Epictetus, who lived nearly 2,000 years ago.

Still not impressive, though, right?

Then how about the fact that that mindset was forged while growing up a slave?

Not exactly a victim mentality.

Then there’s this: not only was he a slave for the first 25 years of his life…

But Epictetus’s master once deliberately broke his leg, leaving him disabled for life.

Think of the iron spine Epictetus must have had to utter those words despite his withered physical condition and status in early life.

This is the mindset needed to overcome not just the LO virus (i.e., the Lay Off virus)...

But pretty much life in general.

It’s more than just premeditatio malorum, the anticipation of and preparation for the bad intentions and ugly turns that biz takes…

It’s definitely not avoiding hard things.

It’s not even making the best out of bad situations.

It’s embracing them.

There’s a phrase that best describes how to not only build this mindset but also how to apply in biz and life…

But you’ll have to subscribe to Ad Intentions to put it to correct use:


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