Inside the Mindset of Ad Intentions
“Choose not to be harmed and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed and you haven’t been.” ~Marcus Aurelius
Look at the stories of successful people, and you’ll notice a common trait:
Getting back up when you’ve been knocked down.
Continuing to pursue your goal or mission despite constant failures...
Overcoming fear, income insecurity, layoffs (i.e., the LO virus), or being stranded in a foreign land with barely a penny to your name…
If you’re a biz owner, it’s figuring out another income stream when a main revenue source is drying up (i.e, the RDU virus)...
Maybe it’s simply improving your customer service skills.
As a freelance copywriter, it’s how to get more and better-paying clients so you’re less likely to experience dry periods of income (i.e., the NI virus)...
It could be how to respond to a client who isn’t giving you much direction on a project but lots of (un)constructive feedback.
In a corporate environment, it’s dealing with back-stabbers or others with “crab mentality” and bad intentions…
Or a promotion you worked hard to earn instead going to someone less skilled, diligent, or smart…
No matter the situation, the ability to bounce back… and to an even greater degree of success than before…
Is a must-have trait.
And it takes critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. There’s no copy-and-paste, one-size-fits-all quick fix.
Life ain’t that way.
(Real life, anyway…)
I’ll go into this another time, but to have resilience means knowing what’s important right now, in the moment, and focus on it…
It’s not easy but it can be that simple.
It also leads to better choices… Better responses… And, ultimately, better outcomes.
That’s why the tenets of premeditatio malorum (prepared for the bad) and amor fati (embracing what happens) are so crucial for you to have.
Now… go back to the beginning and re-read… really read… the above quote again.
Once you do that, you’ll be on the road to understanding the mindset behind Ad Intentions…
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