Flimsy Is As Feeble Does: Protect Yourself from Income Insecurity
Not sure how you got here, but welcome…
You've likely seen the LO virus running rampant through America.
If it's knocked you on your butt, I feel for you. I know its effects firsthand.
If you haven’t, good for you. But be careful - the way things are going, you're next…
Either way, there’s a solution for it.
First, though…
“What the hell is the LO virus?”
Here's a few noticeable symptoms:
Income insecurity
Sound familiar? If not personally, maybe through a friend or family member…?
Okay, so here’s the reveal:
LO Virus = Lay Off Virus
If you’ve gone through it or are going through it now, it sucks. But now’s the time to make sure you’re not vulnerable again…
Because as long as you’re working to grow and enrich someone else’s biz, you will be…
If you haven’t gone through it, good. But you want to make sure that you’re prepared so you’re not vulnerable…
Because as long as you’re working to grow and enrich someone else’s biz, you will be…
Now, if you’re a business owner - doesn't matter if it's small, medium, or large...
Or some type of freelancer - copywriter, graphic designer, photographer, whatever...
The LO Virus may not directly infect you.
But you’re still susceptible to other viruses... like RDU (Revenue Dried Up) or NI (No Income)…
Because as long as the economy is in flames because of people with an agenda & without regard to that agenda’s effects on you…
You’re vulnerable, too.
I know... it ain’t earth-shattering news…
But it's a cold hard truth. One many people are either afraid to broach or hell-bent on fearmongering you so you’re easier to control...
It’s like I frequently say…
Don’t put yourself in a position where you have to make a decision out of desperation…
Don’t depend on an employer for job security and financial stability. It’s all built on sand.
All flimsy as the government’s feeble excuses about… well, pretty much everything these days…
For any whim or reason—be it cultural, social, or financial—your job or career can be snatched from you.
Hell, it could even be due to someone’s bad intentions toward you, like petty jealousy from a so-called friend, an angry customer, a co-worker with an agenda, a brain-dead exec only in his position because of nepotism, etc.
The best way to be free of this is to have other intentions… to forge your own way… to take matters into your own hands as much as possible… to reduce income insecurity.
In other words, you need Ad Intentions.
Yes, going your own way isn’t easy. And deciding to could lead to this question:
“Dave, you just told me not to depend on others for security and stability, such as a boss or company…
But in business or freelancing, don’t you also have to depend on others to help reach security and stability… you know, the CUSTOMERS…?! Aren’t we at the mercy of their whims and reasons?”
And my answer’s 2-fold:
I already said you were vulnerable… but in a different and, I think, better way than if you got the LO virus…
If, as a biz owner or freelancer, you think you’ve got to rely on customers for said stability, your thinking's got to change.
But you gotta have Ad Intentions first.
However, here’s my main takeaway from asking that question:
If you missed what I said about biz owners and freelancers being vulnerable, it means you didn’t apply that insight before asking the question…
It also means I'm not be the resource for you to get advice and tips on copywriting, marketing, selling, and anything else related to building a solid, stable business.
Asking that question means you've got dubious intentions... you're looking for easy solutions… pie-in-the-sky promises… get-rich-tomorrow schemes… cut-and-paste answers.
But that ain’t the way it goes. Business ain’t that ducky… nor is life.
And it ain’t the American Way.
No, the American Way is to forge your own path no matter the obstacles. If that’s you, it’s time to embrace Ad Intentions.
If forging your own path isn’t your style, then Ad Intentions might not be for you.
There is a caveat, though…
If it’s not your style to forge your own path, Ad Intentions could be used to improve your climb up the corporate ladder, of course…
But any inspiration you get from Ad Intentions that you apply to a biz that’s not yours… ultimately doesn’t benefit you as much as it does others.
Aaaannd... the more you act with Ad Intentions, but for someone who'll benefit financially more than you, the more you realize,
“Why the hell am I doing this for them instead of for me?”
But it’s not my choice; it’s yours. If that’s the way you go, so be it… I’m in no position to judge or opine.
I’m just here with Ad Intentions to help you do you.
To find out for sure if Ad Intentions is what you need to improve your biz, income, career, and life in general…
Go to this page: https://www.damalamedia.com/ad-intentions