Why You Should Take Advice from Someone Who Once Had Shack Envy
Came this email yesterday:
“Your full of shit, bro. You ramble about income insecurity, that’s BS, I can tell. You sound just like every other a**hole out their preaching how they know it all.”
I debated whether to share this with you. I’m not one for TMI… because how does what happens to me impact you? And why would you even care?
But to paraphrase a carpenter from Bethlehem, “Turn trolls into revenue…”
So here goes…
I used to have shack envy. Instead of wanting to get better at my craft, I focused just on making enough money to have whatever me and my family wanted.
That twisted focus resulted in a brief bout of income insecurity.
A few years back…
Me and the now-Mrs. Damala moved to San Diego because I got what was, by all accounts, a pretty good job offer, complete with paid relocation.
I was hired as copy chief, part of a new team all brought in together to inject energy and improve revenue for the various brands under the company umbrella.
Along with this new team and other departments, I was cranking out emails, ads, videos, etc. and getting plaudits from all around.
I (and the team) did the happy hours, seasonal parties, team lunches, charity functions… Came in early and worked late.
You know what I’m saying and why we did them… typical story, right?
Then one morning out of the blue…
Barely 6 months after we’d been hired…
We got the LO virus. Our team plus 40% of the company…
It was devastating. And the future Mrs. Marshall was not working and couldn’t for various reasons…
So it was MAJOR income insecurity vibes…
Making everything worse, of course: we weren’t prepared for it.
I won’t lie. It sucked.
If you let it, it’ll drain the life out of you. It leads many people down the path of bad intentions.
However, instead of dealing with it like that…
I developed Ad Intentions.
Never again did I want to be unprepared and so vulnerable.
And you don’t want to be, either.
That’s why I’m preaching, bro. And I’m gonna keep preachin’...
To discover what happened to give us the LO virus (you won’t believe it… a bona fide soap opera) and how I made sure I was never in that position again…
And to get the Ad Intentions you need to prepare yourself so you’re not in the same position in the future…
Click on this link: https://www.damalamedia.com/ad-intentions