Why Even Selling Billions of Burgers Is No Vaxx against the LO Virus
The fed hiking rates…
Our tax dollars sent overseas to support a proxy war (while domestic issues that really matter to hard-working Americans like you and me get nothing…)
Banks failing, more banks reportedly teetering…
The LO virus (i.e., Lay Off) hitting Swiss banks (!) and even McDonald’s (!!)...
All due to the RDU virus (i.e., Revenue Dried Up, no matter how many billions of burgers sold) spreading as the economy continues tanking.
Government feeble excuses and distorted intentions about inflation numbers…
It’s not good, my fellow smashbait… and all indications are it’ll get much worse before it gets (ahem, built back) better again.
The question is how long will the repercussions last?
Some pessimistically predict a decade or more.
But there is (recent) precedent: Japan’s “lost decade”.
Originally thought to encompass most of the 1990s, the “lost decade” saw Japan’s GDP increase only 1.14%, well below comparable industrialized nations.
However, when looking at Japan’s economy from 200 to 2010, analysts realized that the average real economic growth rate was even less than the previous decade…
Just 1%.
Wages fell about 5% during most of the 2000s, too.
Bottom line? Japan’s “lost decade” of the 1990s ended up spreading like a virus into the 2000s and 2010s.
There’s no way of predicting exactly how bad things are going to get… or low long we’ll be stuck in it…
It’s not even 100% that things will get worse.
But signs everywhere are pointing that way.
So, which would you rather be:
Not prepared for when SHTF…
Or prepared for STNC (sh!+ that never comes)...
If you’re the latter, having Ad Intentions can help. If you’re the former, good luck…
It’s your call: https://www.damalamedia.com/ad-intentions